Monday, 21 June 2010

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Tuesday, 1 June 2010

Design for Distribution - Evaluation after thoughts

Having a few days to think further about what has happened over the course of the last module has allowed me to dig up a few more issues.. 
The problem in all reality was something I tried to address right at the beginning of this project with my choice of briefs. I chose several that were based around branding, packaging and promoting, as well as one or two that specifically asked for motion graphics. I wanted to combine the two - I wanted to brand a TV channel or Radio station, and then come up with the motion graphics based around what I designed. In the first crits, or discussions as they were really, I was rightly told that I was perhaps taking on too much and if motion graphics was what I wanted to do then I should focus on that. I left that crit feeling incredibly confused. 
Looking back it's obvious now that the problem with the whole of this brief is that I couldn't see where design fitted in. If the brief was the Asian Beers one, I would have set about the design process as I have done in the past with relative ease. Designing the rebrand, the logo, the packaging, all the while thinking how the designs can be made move and applied to a televised campaign as part of the distribution. 
By picking a specifically motion graphics brief I couldn't get my head round how to start the project. How can I story board when I have no initial designs and ideas generation? I completely forgot how to put together a logical and thorough design process all because the brief had the words motion graphics in it. 
In my head, to do a motion graphics brief, motion graphics had to be the main focus of everything I did. Where as - in reality - it's always going to be secondary to the design process. 
This continuous cycle of not being able to do the motion graphics because I haven't designed enough, and not being able to design because I have to do motion graphics, is what has destroyed what could have been a really good brief. 
Now I've realised this is an issue, it should be pretty easy to fix over summer...

The summer months are going to be spent working out how to answer a brief that specifically calls for motion graphics, and how I can set up a process of designing that works for me.
I'm going to try some really quick turn around projects - and document the process more than anything else to figure out the bits that work and the bits that don't work.