This was the first project back after summer, and our introduction to the print module, which I'm currently enjoying very much. This year seems a lot more lecture based already, as opposed to last year where we spent most of our time finding things out ourselves. It's quite refreshing to sit and listen to someone tell you things. Anyway, I digress. We were asked to produce 4 postcard sized pieces. One full colour, one 2 colour logo, one 3 colour word, and one single colour pictogram. The idea behind this being an exploration into the possibilities when faced with a problem such as a limited colour palette. How can you used those two colours to create more colours? Using variation of tints and overlays, a lot more is possible that I first thought. Or not even that, I just didn't think to think about it until it was pointed out. Anyway, You may notice that my 'word' postcard is in fact two colour, not three, but that was sue to a misunderstanding.
Another thing I enjoyed about this brief was how easily I slipped back into the way of working, I thought I had forgotten how to get things done this summer. I know it was only a short brief, and not really worth much, as well as the fact that this is marked mainly on our knowledge of print techniques...
Despite this, I knocked out a fair few design sheets, I had an overall theme, a message, the whole lot.
What a great project to start back with.
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