Tuesday, 4 May 2010

Design for Distribution - A face for the radio.

Last week was a blip. A pretty massive blip, but it's dealt with and out the way.. Got so wrapped up in all the things I might want to do with my career I forgot how to be a designer. Get a grip Lauren.

The only thing that really matters to me here is getting into After Effects as quickly as possible.

I was talking before about the Climate Cool brief, but in reality it holds very little interest to me, and even if it is easier to generate content this way, it still leaves the problem of things like context and target audience.

So, I figured there's something to be gained from all the areas I've looked at and I re-wrote the brief as follows...

I've decided to base this project on a televised promotional campaign for BBC's Radio 6. There are plans to axe the broadcast in the next year, so I thought it would be quite relevant to incorporate this into the brief - further helping me to define that context that I so desperately need!

I also like the idea of producing a really visual campaign for something that you cannot see. Most the BBC stations have really strong identities as it is, however radio 6 seems to be lacking in anything visual for the listener to associate with. This means I'll not be influenced by what is already there why I start designing. 

This is a lot closer to what I would consider a dream brief, and the process of writing it, along with all the mistakes and confusion has forced me to face a few issues. I'm glad I've got that all out the way now, I have learned a lot about myself the past week or so -  No let's get back to designing!

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